Training and Support

Training is essential to the success of your practice and your initial training will take place online. You will be supplied with all the tools and guidance to give you a flying start. Areas covered include but are not limited to: Sales, Marketing, IT and Technical, Tax, Internal Accounting, Communication and Support, Products and Pricing and are carried out by professionals in these areas.

Once you have completed your training the support is ongoing and can be done virtually through weekly webinars. The whole team is available on the phone or by email to assist you with your technical, practice management and marketing enquiries, and you will also receive specific software support backed up by fully trained IT professionals. Don’t forget we are never more than a phone call away.

Each AIMS accountant has a dedicated support lead from central office who like them is a qualified accountant. As soon as you join AIMS, you will be allocated a support lead who will act as your mentor who you can call upon at any time. Furthermore, within months of you joining, your support lead will assess how you are doing and determine whether you require additional support and training.

You will also have access to IT support, the marketing team and our CEO, Gary Robinson.

AIMS offers ongoing training and support to all of our AIMS franchisees


To book your place on a discovery workshop and start your AIMS journey, email Philip Doyle or call us on 0207 616 6642 today.

In the last 12 months 1,605 new clients and 15 new accountants said “YES” to AIMS!