Are you using Google reviews as well as you could?


Author: Henry Ejdelbaum

Tags: Google, SME

Some time ago we used to hear that the location of businesses was one of its most important attributes. Today, as businesses implement more approaches to become more digital and increase online presence, and  an “online reputation” is becoming more influential in their decisions.

For many people looking for a place to go to, service or tradesman, their first option is checking online for reviews. Some even trust it as a recommendation from a friend.

Small businesses should create a public Google profile and keep it updated with responses to reviews from customers, add recent photos, and posts. It is a really powerful marketing tool and the basic features are free, which significantly improves your business visibility and potential customers perception of it.

Great reviews will put your business higher up on the Google ranks meaning it is easier for potential customers to find you. Also, having this wealth of information on customer feedback, is a good reminder of the things you are doing well, and what to improve. Good reviews make customers feel that they will receive a better service!

Remember to check out our blog on how to approach clients locally.

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