Is it Compulsory to Have an Accountant?

/ Accounting

Author: Jason Burton

From small businesses to entrepreneurs, every type of business can benefit from having access to an accountant. Employing the services of these professionals can free up time, so you can concentrate on the actual running of your business, and they can help maintain your company’s compliance and legality. 

While not demanded by law, read on below to find out 5 reasons why having an accountant can make your business more time and money efficient, whilst also giving you peace of mind. 

Accountants offer expert advice

Depending on the size of your business, you could be wearing a lot of different hats in its day-to-day running. Tax and finances are one area, though, that businesses really benefit from having expert advice in. Accountants can help business leaders ensure that their companies are managing their taxes as efficiently as possible, and that potential tax-saving opportunities and strategies are properly explored and implemented. 

Assistance with financial planning

Accountants are experts in tax planning, and choosing to use an accountant can result in stronger procedures being followed. Such as creating financial to-do lists, with proper timings and monitoring to ensure your business’s financial health is moving forward at the right level at the right time. Accountants can also help to create realistic budgets based on income and expenses, whilst also assessing areas of risk, like market volatility — ensuring that your company meets its financial goals.

Legality and compliance assistance

Proper accounting is essential for ensuring that businesses are accurate and compliant with HMRC regulations. Having an accountant is extremely helpful in ensuring your business remains compliant, making sure you file your Companies House requirements, that you abide by the law with making the most of your tax allowances while claiming expenses, and other statutory obligations. Accountants are also invaluable if you get audited, helping you prepare your documents and records, and liaising with the auditors themselves, ensuring it is a smooth, stress-free experience. 

Enjoy greater efficiency 

Managing tax and financial affairs can be stressful and time-consuming, especially if you are approaching these matters for the first time with a new venture. Employing the right accountant can drive an increase in efficiency by completing time-dense tasks for you, like ensuring you complete your self-assessment on time, or reducing the chance of making mistakes on a tax return. Leaving you free to focus on other aspects of your business.

Crisis management 

Nobody likes to think about it, but it’s important to hope for the best while planning for the worst to ensure that your business can weather any storms it comes across — including financial ones. During times of economic downturn, or isolated business turbulence, accountants can help develop and implement recovery strategies, suggesting cost-cutting measures, restructuring plans, and emergency funding options. Hopefully, times like these can be avoided through proper financial planning, but sometimes there are just some external factors that cannot be foreseen.

Work with an accountant today 

As you can see, while not compulsory, an accountant is an extremely beneficial addition to any enterprise or business. Offering a range of positives like expert advice on best tax practices and increasing efficiency, while delivering extra peace of mind. If you’d like to find out more about how an accountant could be a great fit for your business, and how to pick the right accountant for you, check out our blogs for more information.

At AIMS Accountants for Business, we offer a range of tax and accounting services, as well as help and advice, to ensure that every business or individual’s requirements are met. Contact us today to find out how AIMS can help you.