Managing corporation tax liabilities

/ AIMS News

Author: Lesley Anderson

managing corporation tax liability
We all pay taxes – but no one wants to pay more than they need to. We work with SMEs to make their businesses tax-efficient and to help business owners make good financial decisions.


Managing Corporation Tax Liability


Since the rise in corporation tax in the Spring Budget, we’ve been talking to clients about how they can pay less corporation tax than they need to. Here are some of our recommendations for business owners to help them manage corporation tax liability:


  1. Make pension contributions to yourself from your business.
  2. Make sure you deduct all allowance expenses such as travelling expenses, marketing costs etc
  3. Claim back all of your overheads such as staff costs, premiums and subscriptions
  4. Claim Research & Development relief on any qualifying projects
  5. Claim capital allowances on investments in plant, machinery or vehicles


Since this can be a complex area, please talk to your accountant about your tax liabilities.

We work with SMEs all over the UK and our accountants are business owners too, just like you. We’d love to work with you. You can find your nearest AIMS accountant here