Watch out for Heather – no kidding!

/ Tax

Author: Henry Ejdelbaum

Tags: AIMS, AIMS accountants for business, Heather Grey Scam, hmrc, scam

HMRC impersonators have come up with yet another scam! A “lady” calling herself Heather Grey is making repeated and persistent calls and leaving threatening messages. The calls all suggest that payment should be made or legal advice taken. It seems to be an attempt to extract card details from the victim.

The HMRC does not call consumers to collect taxes. If the department finds an issue, it would send a letter. The calls threatening arrest or legal action and demanding that “taxes” be paid immediately are a scam.

Most of these calls originate from foreign shores (but the caller ID would be spoofed to show a local number – 0203 769 992). The victims are usually told to pay using cash cards or Western Union to hide the money trail.

So use common sense and ask you accountant if you get a call from Heather, after all your accountant will know what you have to pay to HMRC and when you have to do so.

So why not speak to your local AIMS Accountant today –